Reading B: The Little Mermaid
The Real Little Mermaid Starting off this story is a lot different from the disney version of the Little Mermaid! I knew that LM had sisters but they were never as major of a part of the story so it was interesting to see them more. It was also interesting that the Sea King plays a much more minor role in this story! It's his mother who seems to be the mai parental figure. I really don't like that none of the characters seem to have names, calling the main character the Little Mermaid feels silly. Okay this Sea Witch is terrifying. Much scarier than the disney version for sure. I'm sorry she just CUT. OUT. HER. TONGUE. Other than just being awful I feel that this would create a lot of problems going forward, like she needs a tongue for more than just speaking?!? Also while it was sweet in the original story the idea of winning someone over with just your body is kinda awful, I feel like it helps that she is already pretty quiet but I mean she brings more to the table...