Extra Credit Reading A
Of How the War with Troy Began
- There was princess who was incredibly beautiful called Helen and all the princes wanted to marry her
- They all agreed that if anything ever happened to her they would mobilize to protect her
- She eventually married Menelaus and they were very happy
- They attacked Troy but could not get through the walls
The Quarrel
- One of the Kings attacking Troy decides to take the spoils of war, including a Priests Daughter
- The priest calls to the god he worships, Apollo, and he attacks and kills many of the army
- Achilles tries to set the matters to right but the king refuses and even threatens to take a women and other riches from Achilles
What Thetis did for her Son
- Thetis, Achilles mother, convinces Zeus to help her son
- He does this by convincing the king that he can attack Troy alone so that he will realize how much he needs Achilles
Hector and Andromache
- Hector, brother to Paris, returns from battle to confront his brother
- Paris has refrained from fighting because he is afraid.
- Hector calls him out for this before looking for his wife Andromache who has gone to the tower in hysterics
- Andromache begs him to not fight any longer for she fears what she will become without him but he refuses so that he will not dishonor her or his child and returns to battle
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