Hi guys! My name is Amanda Miller, I'm from Tulsa, Oklahoma and I'm a senior this year! I'm an accounting major but I'm also a Pre-Law (probably) with a management minor (hopefully). I spent the majority of my summer studying for the LSAT as well as preparing for Sorority Recruitment, as I serve as the Chief Executive Officer for my Chapter! Because of this I actually live into two places right now - my chapter facility with 86 girls and in a house with 7 of my friends! I'm basically surrounded by girls 24/7 but I couldn't ask for more generous friends or a more supportive community! When I'm not stress crying in my car or having an existential crisis I'm usually with my friends or reading incredibly dorky books by myself. While I love to travel (I've actually been out of the country every year since I graduated high school) I am a super unadventurous eater - I could eat chicken everyday and never get bored! I have a twin brother named Ryan who also goes to OU and a dog named Sophie who we got even though Ryan is deathly allergic to dogs. I have pretty awful taste in music - Hot 100 country music and Eminem - but I'll listen to almost anything! My favorite movie is The Breakfast Club but I'm also really into superhero movies and drag my sweet friends along with me to all the midnight premiers. My favorite place I've ever been is Switzerland, partially because I ended up crashing a Swiss Prom while I was there and partially because I'm really carnivoris and they make great steaks! My Mythology and Folklore experience is limited to two years of latin in high school and whatever I've absorbed through terrible tv shows and movies so I'm definitely starting off a little behind the curve! The picture I used is from my families trip to London last summer - we went to the Tower of London where I told everyone I met that I finally got a pic with the London Bridge (this is the Tower Bridge). Ignorant? Maybe. Excited? Always!!!! Can't wait to meet everyone!
Hi Amanda! Wow, it looks like you have a lot on your plate: accounting, law, and management! And you’re super involved at school! That’s great! Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteWow, you’ve gone out of the country every year since you graduated?! That’s awesome! I’ve only been to India, and that’s because my parents are from there! Oh, and Canada! Niagara Falls is beautiful! Also, I’m sure you have nothing to worry about for this class. This week’s readings are interesting and pretty easy to read. It doesn’t seem like we need to know a lot of preliminary information!
That is so cool about having traveled abroad every year since high school, Amanda: wow! I hope this class will give you a chance to learn about some storytelling traditions from the places that you have visited... anywhere that there are people, there are stories! (like the Tower of London for example; the ravens even have their own Wikipedia article — Wikipedia: Ravens of the Tower of London) ... And while it's not as good as actually getting to go to a place for real, traveling by way of stories can be fun too!
ReplyDeleteHey Amanda! I'm from Tulsa too. Your major sounds really cool, but also that is a lot to handle. Best of luck on your senior year! I wish I had the chance to travel like you that is awesome. The only place I've been to out of the US is Mexico, which was really cool, but one of my goals for later in life is definitely to travel more. Also, I took Latin too! My mom actually teaches Latin and mythology. I'm excited to learn more about the stories and myths out there.
ReplyDeleteHello Amanda! I am also from Tulsa, well Broken Arrow to be specific but same difference. I also have taken Latin since 6th grade so we have that in common as well. I think its funny you said you like Eminem because I practically worship the guy. My favorite albums are Slim Shady LP and Marshall Mathers LP. I know what its like to be stressed about fraternity/sorority recruitment as well. Last summer I was on my fraternity's rush team so things can get a little crazy scrambling to get people.
ReplyDeleteWell good luck this semester!
Stress crying and having existential crises?! Girl, same! I'm glad you have so many girls around to help you out. Friends are so important, especially when you're a pre-law major!
ReplyDeleteI'm only slightly more adventerous than you when it comes to food. One of my good friends could live off chicken nuggets if we let her. In comparison to her, I'm super adventerous but, I got a rude awakening when I came to college. I'm actually a lot pickier than I thought.
Your enthusiasm is refreshing! I'm excited to read more of your posts!
Nice to "meet" you!
Amanda, I can never live without fried chickens, they make me whole and complete. It is amazing how you can manage so many responsibilities because I cannot do that at all. It is great to meet another senior who also live in Tulsa, and hey, nobody really has an awful taste in music, just listen to whatever you enjoy the most! I am so jealous that you get to travel outside of the States annually. I would love to, but I'm quite scare of flying. Good luck with the semester and nice to meet you!
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda! I totally feel you on that being surrounded by girls thing! I'm the House Manager of my sorority so I'm in charge of 55 girls and boy can it get crazy. I've never been to Switzerland but you make it sound like heaven. I'm always down for a good steak, though, that may just be the Texas girl in me. You sound like a lot of fun and I can't wait to get to know you more throughout the semester!
ReplyDeleteHey friend. Glad I finally came across your page! I am loving all your post. You are one clever gal! Switzerland is also one of my favorite countries! While I didn't crash a swiss prom, I did crash a swiss wedding! I'm not gonna lie, it was 100% on purpose, but no regrets! I too have been abroad every year since I graduated high school. I would love to keep up the tradition, but I have a feeling my bank account isn't going to manage that. I look forward to reading more of your stories!
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda!
ReplyDeleteI love how you designed your blog and I think adding a personal picture of yourself was a nice touch to your introduction. It sounds like you had a great time in Switzerland! I love traveling too and I’m going to have to put Switzerland down on my list. I hope you are having a great semester so far!
Hey there Amanda! Wow, a law major! That's some crazy stuff man. I am a chemical engineering major, so I can't really relate with the material you are going over in your classes, but I definitely can relate with the crazy workload you must have sometimes. It is about that time of the year when people are pulling their hair out so good luck and try to keep your hair on your head :)
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda!! Your blog is so simple yet pleasing and I love it! Also, your major sounds like a lot of fun and as if you get a lot of exposure to a lot of different subject areas. I also would really love to travel more and will have to add Switzerland to my list of places to go. What are some of your other favorite places that you have traveled before?
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda! I love your blog design and style! I think your major sounds really cool, it must be fun to take so many different classes. I can't imagine living in a house with so many girls, but it sure does sound like you are having fun! Switzerland is my dream place to go and I want to go even more now that you mentioned the Steaks! I hope you are having a good semester!
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda!
ReplyDeleteI love Switzerland too! I went there and London four years ago, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to go back ever since! I totally get the superhero movie thing, I love them too and definitely have forced my friends to go with me a time or two! It’s super nice to meet you and get to read what you’ve written so far!
Amanda, it is great that you get to travel the world. I've seen some beautiful pictures of London and Switzerland, and I always get jealous when I see other people's photos. Although I know nothing about sorority life, it sounds like you hold a pretty important office! I've always wondered if sorority members get enough time to themselves with being surrounded by so many people, so it's great that you read incredibly dorky books as an individual activity! I'm looking forward to reading some of your work!
ReplyDeleteHey Amanda!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on making it to your senior year! You are close to the end of this stint of schooling. Best of luck on you LSAT, but sounds like you have a plan either way. It was great to read and learn a little bit about you. I Hope that the rest of your semester is a great one!
Hello Amanda! First of all, congratulations on almost finishing up your bachelors. My fiancĂ©e is also an accounting major and I’ve seen some of the stuff you guys have to do and it all looks like headaches to me. I’m from a small town about two hours away from Tulsa so I’m familiar with the area. Hope you have a great semester!
ReplyDeleteHi, Amanda! Stress crying and existential crisis does take up a large amount of one’s time, so I’m glad you have time to enjoy yourself. It’s nice that you get to travel every year, do you go to different places each year or are some places repeated? I hope you enjoy the rest of your semester! And I wish you luck on your Pre-Law and minor.