Time Strategies!

Tik Tock!
Time management is something that is really difficult for me. A habitual "yes man" I had a tendency to over commit my time when I was younger. Even now I am taking class, studying for the LSAT, updating my application for Law school, serving as president of my sorority, participating in J.C. Penney Leadership Program, working, and trying to have some semblance of a social life. College is a blast but it can get crazy! That's why I really enjoyed the article "The Myth of too busy." I've always said that busy is just a word we throw around, an excuse for not making time to do something. This article really encouraged me that this is true! You are in control of your own schedule and you will make time for the things that are important to you - I don't want to let "busy" keep me from being present and investing in my friendships and relationships. I also really enjoyed "The Important Habit of Just Starting" because I feel like it is really so true - starting any project is the hard part! For me it is so easy to make vision boards and get inspired but that first time you sit down to begin feels like the hardest thing in the world. I love the idea that sometimes you don't need more motivation or to wait until you are appropriately inspired, sometimes you just need to start! That being said I feel incredibly confident about this semester and the exciting things ahead! I've already got my planner filled with dates and a schedule full of study sabbaticals so let's do this thing!


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