Is Psyche a Cradle Robber? Thoughts from Reading B

Amor and Psyche Henryk Siemiradzki
(SOS He looks pretty young here)
The ending of Cupid and Psyche's left me pretty conflicted. On one hand I'm all about the happy ending - If Cupid and Psyche want to be together I'm all for it - but on the other I definitely like Psyche less now than I did before. I feel like the great thing about "Challenges" in Greek Mythology is that you get to see the mortal characters defeat the gods using their own unique gifts. We like the story of Heracles because we like watching him succeed against seemingly impossible odds. In this story we're given impossible odds but we're also given a main character that has very little to do with her own success. The ants sort the seeds, a reed tells her how to get the wool, and a god gets the river water for her. When a task does require her to do the leg work (going to the Underworld) she manages to screw it up. I totally understand that she should never have been given the tasks in the first place - she's done nothing wrong except being born beautiful, which is hardly her fault - but from a story standpoint it does make it a little difficult to root for her.

Venus continues to be the absolute worst - I think it's interesting that the goddess most known for her beauty also seems to embody some of the worst characteristics a person can have. Overall, I'm not sure that this story is very flattering to women in general. Venus is, at best, vain and petty, and even Psyche is a pretty unsympathetic character. Cupid seems like a pretty decent guy, all things considered, but I was a little stressed out by the authors description of him as a "boy". By boy do they mean a teenager or do they actually mean a child. I understand that he's an immortal god, but the idea of Psyche sleeping with a little boy is a bit terrifying. I'm actually positive that I can't decided if I enjoy this story or not until I know how creepy the age difference is. Again my overall impression is of how very human these gods seem. While a lot of cultures seem to have gods that are above reproach morally, ethically, etc - these gods and goddess are just like us: passionate, self interested, and deeply flawed.

The Golden Ass by Apuleius 


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