Feedback Thoughts!

Speech Bubbles!
I think it is so important to learn to take feedback constructively. I am the world’s biggest people pleaser and know from personal experience that it is difficult to not take criticism, even when it is helpful and presented kindly, as an insult. That’s why I really enjoyed the article “5Tips for Taking Feedback Like a Champ” because I feel like it gave quick ways you can change your mindset and be a better receiver of feedback. One thought I liked in particular was the idea that every deficiency is coming from a place of positive intention. Sometimes when I am meeting with girls for Standards call ins (meetings regarding their behavior) I can be way too casual and not always take it as seriously as I should. Using this tip, I can recognize that my intention behind doing this is not bad (wanting to put everyone at ease, make them feel comfortable) and that helps ease the sting from taking that criticism. I also liked the idea of using “self compassion.” Sometimes you screw up, you do everything wrong and there is absolutely no way to make it better. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be compassionate with yourself and acknowledge that you are not a bad person or a failure and that all you can do is try to be a little bit better tomorrow.

I also really enjoyed “6 Bad Mental Habits that Sabotageyour Success!” Literally the second habit is seeking audience approval which is my biggest struggle! I think it is difficult when you put so much of yourself into something not to feel like a rejection of it is a rejection of you – not setting out to please people is hard but it really is essential for your mental well being. The only item on this list that I didn’t agree with was Catastrophizing. I actually do this pretty regularly but in a more positive way. When I get too stressed out or over whelmed I say to myself “what is the worst case scenario?” I even say it to my friends when they have a dilemma! I personally just feel like if I know I can survive the worst case than anything less than that is nothing to worry about!


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