Technology Start Up!

Technology Today - Shabby Chic
Like I mentioned in a previous post, this class is very different from my usual business classes! Not only from a content stand point (mythology is a little different then my Auditing and Financial Reporting Class!) but also from a technology standpoint (Blogger is a little different from Excel!) I’ve always considered myself pretty tech savvy – but I think this course will put that to the test! While I have a decent amount of experience editing pictures, audio recordings, and using basic things like Bookmark – I definitely have never blogged or created a website! Already I am learning a lot just from these first few posts! I hope to better understand website design and navigation- in 2017 you really will use these skills wherever you go! I’ve also never had the opportunity to even attempt graphics creation – how cool! I’m excited to get to develop some new schools while learning more about Mythology and Folklore!


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